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A tool for evaluating odor setback distance to minimize odor nuisance complaints.

Developed in cooperation with and sponsored by Michigan Alliance for Animal Agriculture (M-AAA) and Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD).

MI OFFSET is a planning tool for assessing potential odor impacts from livestock facilities. output from this tool, called an odor footprint, is a radial plot which represents approximate distances that one must be away from the odor source to detect a noticeable or stronger odor up to 1.5%, 3% and 5% of the time for each of the 16 compass directions. MI OFFSET 2018 is a revised version of the previous release of MI OFFSET (originally known as Michigan Odor Print) that improves its ability to minimize odor nuisance risk when siting new or expanding livestock operations, through changes to the existing climatological dataset of wind and atmospheric stability. Technical details of the model are available in PDF format. MI OFFSET 2018 has been implemented in the Site Selection Generally Accepted Agricultural and Management Practices (GAAMPs) document. On 2/28/20, a revised version of MI OFFSET 2018 was released that includes a minor change to the underlying program to correct an error in the calculation of the wind direction climatology. This revision should not affect most users.

MI OFFSET 2018 has been approved by MDARD for use in Michigan. Users interested in siting guidance for farms outside of Michigan should refer to the regulations and/or guidelines in place in those states or provinces. By using this product, you agree to the Terms of Use.

You will receive odor footprint plots and a table of setback distance, and have an opportunity to download the odor footprint as a KML file or a Shapefile, for export to GIS applications.

To use this tool:

Page 1: Enter your location

Download the previous version of MI OFFSET, MI OFFSET 2000 (also known as Michigan Odor Print).

MI OFFSET 2000 was implemented in the Siting GAAMP document from 2005 to 2017; in 2018, it was replaced with the current tool as part of the 2018 Siting GAAMP update.

Warning: The link to the MI OFFSET 2000 Excel spreadsheet is provided as a courtesy to users of MI OFFSET 2018. MDARD will not accept results of MI OFFSET 2000 as evidence of siting conformance.